
1421 Wayzata Blvd East Suite 200
Wayzata, MN 55391

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Phototherapy BBL - BroadBand Light Care and Recovery
Before Care Instructions:
  • No Accutane use for 6 months prior to treatment.
  • Do not tan the areas being treated for 3 weeks prior to treatment.
  • Do not use self-tanning products for 3 weeks prior to treatment, including lotions and spray tanning.
  • The treatment area must be free of any open sores, lesions or skin infections. 
  • Please shave any hair present in the area to be treated within 1 day of your appointment. Men should shave the beard area twice the day of treatment in order to ensure as close a shave as possible.
  • We will gently wash the area to be treated, removing makeup,lotion, etc. 
  • If you would like to use a topical anesthetic to numb the area, we ask that you arrive 20 minutes prior to your appointment and advise us when scheduling your appointment so we can apply the numbing cream with adequate processing time.  
  • You cannot be pregnant or breast feeding to receive treatment.
  • If you have a history of oral herpes, you must pre-treat with an anti-viral three days before your scheduled visit.  We can have Dr. Erhard write you a prescription if you do not have one available.
After Care Instructions:
  • You will have a mild sunburn sensation following treatment that is usually gone within a few hours. 
  • Your Skin will be red that we will cover with Intellishade or you can apply your own makeup immediately after to cover the sunkissed look. You may have some slight swelling that is normal for a few hours to a few days.  
  • Blistering is uncommon and when it occurs it is generally not serious. 
  • Pigmented areas may begin to flake after a few days.
  • Cold compresses (not ice) and recommended skin care products may be useful to reduce swelling or discomfort. You may takeover-the-counter pain or anti-inflammatory medication. 
  • Hydrocortisone(steroid) cream may decrease any itching or skin irritation. Antibiotic ointment (such as Neosporin) may be used if skin is broken, to prevent infection.
  • Your skin will be fragile for 2-3 days. Use gentle cleansers, but do not rub the skin vigorously and avoid hot water during this time. Skin moisturizers may be used immediately and makeup can be applied 
  • You must avoid sun exposure without sunscreen and tanning creams between treatments. Use SPF 30 or greater on the treatment area at all times.
  • Avoid irritants, such Retin-A, Retinol, Renova, glycolics, bleaching creams,and exfoliants for one week.

The area treated will usually have darkened spots that generally darken in pigment over the next 7-14 days.  These will look similar to coffee grinds and can easily be covered with light makeup.  The dark pigmented areas will naturally come to the surface and flake off on their own ridding your body of the spots. In the rare case that you experience any blistering or scabbing, please call us as soon as possible. Contact us if you experience persistent or unusual redness, swelling or drainage, as antibiotics may be necessary. Avoid microdermabrasion and chemical peels one week after your treatment.

You will need a succession of 4 treatments to see full results, this is because with each treatment we go deeper with the laser to treat deeper pigmented spots. 
Treatments should be scheduled every 4 weeks.Consistent repeated treatments will produce best resolution for photo damage, fine lines, acne scars, rosacea, etc.
Microdermabrasion and Vitalize Peel should be done in between your BBL treatments to enhance results.