
1421 Wayzata Blvd East Suite 200
Wayzata, MN 55391

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Permanent Sterilization Treatment and Results


The benefits of Essure:
  • Most effective: Essure is the most effective* permanent birth control available – even more effective than tying your tubes.
  • Surgery-free: The Essure inserts are placed in the fallopian tubes through the natural pathways of the vagina and cervix, with no incisions and no surgery.
  • Hormone-free: Unlike many temporary methods of birth control such as the Pill or some IUDs, the Essure inserts do not contain hormones so they will not cause hormonal side effects. Learn more about how Essure compares to IUDs and hormonal and barrier methods.
  • Virtually recovery-free: Because there is no surgery required, Essure can be performed comfortably and quickly in Dr Erhard's office. Most women are on their way home 45 minutes after the procedure and return to their normal activities in less than a day.
  • Trusted: More than 600,000 women have chosen Essure as their permanent birth control.
  • Safe: The Essure inserts are made of the same material that has been proven to be safe in heart stents and hundreds of other medical devices.
  • Designed to fit: The small, soft inserts are specially designed to slide easily into your fallopian tubes and remain securely in place. Learn more about how Essure works.
  • Confirmation: The Essure Confirmation Test verifies that the Essure inserts are properly in place and that your fallopian tubes are blocked to provide you with the confidence that you are protected from unplanned pregnancy. 
Risks and considerations of Essure
  • As with all procedures, there are risks and considerations associated with Ensure.
  • No form of birth control should be considered 100 percent effective.
  • Not all women will achieve successful placement of both inserts.
  • Side effects during or immediately following the procedure may include mild-to-moderate cramping, nausea/vomiting, dizziness/light-headedness, bleeding and/or spotting.